AM Holiday Travel believes that travel insurance should be considered as part of any travel plan. No one wants their hard earned vacation ruined by an accident or injury while in a foreign country. Thus we have joined forces with nib to provide clients with several insurance options..
nib has plans that range in price from Bare Essentials to Comprehensive international travel plans. For more information on what travel insurance is available and to decide if it is right for you, please visit the nib website.
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Am Holiday Travel Pty Ltd, ABN 59142412146 is a distributor of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (nib), ABN 81 115 932 173, AFSL 308461 and receives a commission for nib products purchased through Am Holiday Travel Pty Ltd. Am Holiday Travel Pty Ltd acts as an agent for nib and not as your agent. Am Holiday Travel Pty Ltd cannot give advice about nib products, and any factual information provided is not intended to imply a recommendation or opinion about nib products. Before you buy, please read the Product Disclosure Statement, Financial Services Guide and Target Market Determination (TMD) available from us. If you have a complaint about a nib product, see the Product Disclosure Statement for the complaints process. This insurance is underwritten by Pacific International Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 83 169 311 193.